Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What are good events for a fraternity pledge period that don't haze?

I'm looking into being the person in charge for next semester's pledge period for my fraternity. Our fraternity prides itself in being selective, responsible, and respectful to all involved- including the pledges.

I have some gripes about our current events that we have pledges go through and would like to make them more "difficult" and more memorable, however, would like to stray away from the typical "hazing" that we often hear so much about. Having said that, I'm having a difficult time coming up with events on my own that would bond the future pledges together while still being respectful of them and their bodies.

ANY ideas on challenges or events would be greatly appreciated and would extremely help the further growth of our honorable fraternity.

What are good events for a fraternity pledge period that don't haze?
Have pledges memorize the history of your fraternity and facts about it's current members. It will give them a sense of what they belong to and appreciate what your fraternity stands for. Those willing to put forth the most effort to learn this info clearly are the people who want to be a part of your fraternity the most.

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