Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Things/Events taken too seriously?

Can anyone give me some common events or things in the everyday life (usually social events) that people take too seriously???

I plan to use it to write a mock epic...


Things/Events taken too seriously?
My favorite is actors' political views. Just because they make a great movie, does not always mean that I should agree with their views on anything. It does not mean they are right, or smart, or even to be listened to. Somehow, though, because they are a respected actor, people seriously listen to some of the most ridiculous rhetoric. Not that some things aren't right, it's just that every single actor wants to jump on the activist band wagon and they can't give a good speech without a team of script writers.
Reply:Sporting events.
Reply:anything celebrities do, attending film premieres, throwing lavish parties, splitting up with whoever they're dating, it doesn't need to have wall to wall newspaper coverage for days on end
Reply:Fashion. You could talk about the fashion aspect of highschool. Cliques and keeping up with the latest trends. It really isnt as serious as everyone makes it out to be.
Reply:How about when riots occur right after Superbowls? There was one city in particular that it happened to twice when they won bback to back. Caused millions of $$ in damage and hospital visits.

There are even several magazines devoted to nothing else! You should have some fun with this one! Lots of "soap opera" stuff!

Good Luck!

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