Friday, April 16, 2010

17pdr: Current Events intellectual genius or profound hypocrite?

Earlier, 17pdr asked a question. In it, he asks ‘Now that YA have banned McCann questions is it time to leave and go to another site to continue the debate, and leave those who want to talk about serious subjects like "what I had for tea" and "who would win the fight" and "what are you drinking" to their own devices?’

In part of my response, I said that I couldn’t be bothered trawling his past questions, but felt sure that he had, in the past, asked some fairly banal questions in Current Events of the type he (rightly) chooses to deride in his latest question. After giving it some thought, I took a quick peek at his past questions. Amongst the hundreds of McCann questions there are some real nuggets. If you can’t find his profile, here is a small selection from our learned colleagues intellectually stimulating past questions (all posted in Current Events):

17pdr: Current Events intellectual genius or profound hypocrite?
17pdr believes what he believes and expects everyone else to be the same. Unfortunately for him, people are more open minded than he.

And now he shows himself to be a hypocrite too...........

Edit in response to below:

It is true that these question are harmless and sometimes quite entertaining. The point the questioner makes here is that 17pdr ridiculed such questions yet he is "guilty" of asking such questions himself...
Reply:I have had the pleasure of answering most of his questions, all based on theories and speculation. His one weakness is he seldom come up with any real facts, just bits of rubbish that he has dug up from various press cuttings.Now that it appears that they will soon be freed from being main suspects I am not sure what he will do with his rather narrow life .I just can't see him giving up but will continue his personal crusade to crucify this innocent couple.
Reply:you have made my day!! there are certain people on here who drive me nuts and have made "current events" a category to avoid.

I've just had a right wee chuckle at your question, thanks :o)
Reply:I think there are a few on here that open a debate with their question and opinions, when one replies with their answer they end up getting slated, apart from the McCann questions and religion (which I try to avoid now) I try to offer my thoughts at that time, and I am sure that I have even posted some drivel, maybe 17pdr will be a bit conscientious in future in order not to contradict himself.

Did he really ask about making pancakes in a George Foreman grill? Whoops!
Reply:It's nice to see that someone who is so intense about a particularly subject, i.e. the McCanns can take the time to switch off and be a bit silly. I see nothing wrong with those 'silly' questions, there's no hard and fast rule that says every question has to be deep and profound
Reply:whats wrong with anybody questioning what is happening , why are people trying to stop free speech

he is entitled to his opinions , you may not agree with him but i feel that the majority of the time he makes some valid points
Reply:George Foreman????? Never!!! PMSL.
Reply:The latter.

Reply:LOL!! I remember him asking them, but didnt like to point it out to him when answering his question.

Just goes to show most of us are guilty of 'chat' at some time or another......

Yep even you, Hooded 'is this really a current event' Claw!
Reply:He is neither just a concerned individual who sticks to their guns no matter what
Reply:Have you ever read the cartoon pages in a newspaper before?

If you have, then what's the problem with asking a few non-news related questions in ths category? It amounts to the same thing.

Your typical answer of "This isn't a current event" is wearing a bit thin.
Reply:This is not a current event.
Reply:Profound hypocrite!

I know exactly what you mean.
Reply:The description "intellectual genius" should only be used when talking about the likes of Newton, so that rules out the former. As for the latter, quite possibly. I'd question the intellect of anyone who spends so much of their precious free time in the way that he does.
Reply:I don't necessarily think he was putting those questions down as such, but rather he's pointing out that if questions keep getting spammed then soon questions about actual news and serious issues will give way to the more casual topics of what we are drinking etc. That's the way I took it anyway.
Reply:Chipmunk is spot on, its a shame Claw you are not intelligent enough to see it :-(
Reply:idiots most of them anyway.

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