Monday, November 16, 2009

What events can take place beyond the human conscious?

This came to me years ago when I was at school. A Snails thought process is so slow if you were to demolish a multistory bulding not 30 meters away it wouldnt notice any of the effects. I.e. noise, vibration, dust, debris etc. As far as the Snail is concerned the building never existed... because Snails are pretty thick.... All things being relative and existing on a sliding scale (i.e Snails are slow, Sloths are quite slow, Cows are pretty dim, Dogs are pretty quick and Humans are super quick thinkers) What events can take place outside our realm of conscious? Surely the Snail must believe they know all that happens in their world just as we do... however we know the Snail (the muppet) is wrong... can we be so sure events dont take place outside our senses?

What events can take place beyond the human conscious?
One of the strangest features of string theory is that it requires more than the three spatial dimensions that we see directly in the world around us. That sounds like science fiction, but it is an indisputable outcome of the mathematics of string theory. So the question is, where are these extra dimensions? One suggestion is that they're all around us, but they're small relative to the dimensions that we directly see and therefore are more difficult to detect.

What the theory also predicts—not necessarily but possibly—is that energy can escape from our known dimensions and leak into these extra dimensions under appropriate circumstances. Those appropriate circumstances might be generated in high-energy collisions that will take place at the new atom smasher, the Large Hadron Collider.

So it's possible that through these high-energy collisions we will find that there is less energy at the end of the collision than there was at the start. If the energy loss is of just the right sort, it could be very strong evidence that the energy has seeped off into these extra dimensions. If that were true, if that were the best explanation we could find, that would be strong evidence that the extra dimensions are real, and that in turn would be strong evidence that the framework of string theory is correct.

Dr. H
Reply:Thats a very good way of putting it.

I suppose nothing is for certain and anything is possible, I am always open to the possibility that there is more out there than we can see or know, there has just got to be.
Reply:Some people get voices in their head which are'nt theirs.
Reply:Sometimes being a quick thinker can be a handicap too. It took us a long time to figure out that plate tectonics was happening for example. Imagine the stuff a snail or a sloth would notice that we would not, like the movement of shadows as the sun passes or the flow of clouds (see link below).

So I think that all thinking creatures probably inhabit their own optimal pattern zone. Some patterns we just would not notice because they are outside our zone. There could be living creatures in the universe who are very intelligent but their thought processes take years instead of seconds. Silicon-based life would be very slow because the physics are different than for carbon-based life.

There are also things we can't see or hear because they fall outside the range of our senses. Birds can hear sounds in the subsonic range, and some people have speculated that they can hear the earth "groaning" just before an earthquake. They might even use this hearing to navigate, as some areas would have distinctive sounds to distinguish them.

Think of the rich world of smells that we can't experience. To a dog, there is an amazing spectrum of odors that would be like a newspaper of stories and advertisements.

Whales can hear sounds produced on the other side of the world! This is because sound travels so easily in water.
Reply:Now that's a proper question !

You are absolutely right and it's exactly this sort of thinking that had led us to smash atomic particles together to find out what's going on outside our understanding of existence.

The theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics explain the physical properties of the very large and the very small respectively. They also however conflict with each other and we are looking for a combined theory that explains everything.

There is talk of additional dimensions, outside the realms of our understanding; they also theorise about vibrating stings that link all subatomic particles.

You're thoughts are absolutely spot on, we can't "see" these things, and we are only just beginning to realise they are there.

Keep thinking !
Reply:You were in which school ?!
Reply:well we certainly don't know everything about the universe that is clear, we can't decide between the steady state theory and the big bang, if you choose like me to think it is the big bang as it is proved by red shift, then we think it started at a point of matter, but what was that point of matter? we don't know, we may never be able to tell, what if we are in a giant snowglob as a new toy on some weird slimy aliens desk (I am sorry master!) and it is looking at us, we simply can't see it so we don't understand but if we don't see it and dont' know its there then, well its like the ancient chinese thing if a woman is moaning and there is no man around to hear her, is she still right? i think if you want something beyond our comprehension you need to look closer to home, we know its there, our brains, we don't understand them, or really ourselfs, or why we are here or what is the point of life, we can work things out in this life but can we work life itself out? i find that very doubtful, are there other life forms will SETI come up trumps, who knows?
Reply:definately yes.

there are things (events,objects) existant right next to us but we don't really (directly) sense them.

eg,light.electromagnetis radiation consists of a huge range of wavelengths.we humans can only sense a tiny fraction of this range, which is called the visible spectrum.this includes every colour that the human eye can detect.on the other hand,wavelengths of infrared light for example, are not detectable by us,however a few animals can sense infrared light/waves.

there are others as cosmic rays....and the list goes on and on..

a theory about an ether that exists eveywhere (occupying space) has come up as well. this substance,the ether, is said to exist does not affect any forces.matter can go right through it too.however i don't really agree to this theory although experiments favour point is that there are things that humans can't sense,at least directly.

rotten teeth

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