Saturday, November 14, 2009

Events Taking Place Between 1930 - 1960?

What are some big world events that took place between 1930 - 1960. Could you please list the name of event and the date it stated and ended. The only thing I have come up so far is the Great Depression, so all help would be greatly appriciated =)

Events Taking Place Between 1930 - 1960?
this is a HUGE period of time! you may wanna shorten the time frame if your writing a paper. here is what i could come up w/ off the top of my head

1933 Hitler takes power in Germany; FDR becomes president in the US, new deal/reforms; economic conference w/ major european nations and US trying to solve currency problem

1934 (i think) FDr recognizes USSR

1939: Germany invades poland; most Major European nations declare war on germany

1941: Bombing of Pearl Harbor; America joins WWII

1945: Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima %26amp; Nagasaki Japan; WWII ends

1950's-60's: Red scare in America; contain communism

1950-53: Korean War (which just stalemated, but never officially ended

1959-79: Korean war

1955-1965: Civil rights movement in America

1948: apartheid created in South Africa

1951: Bantu Authorities Act legally limiting rights.

1960: police kill 69 ppl in S.A. and ppl protest

1962: mandela was arrested and imprisoned for life

It wasn't until 1990 that apartheid was declared illegal

1960's: hippie movement in america

1969: woodstock

1956: suez crisis

1957: USSR sattelite sputnik launches

1958: moa tse doang launches "the great leap forward"

1961: soviet puts first man in space

1962: cuban missle crisis

1966: cultural revolution in china

1969: armstrong is first man on the moon.

? not sure what yr: Stalin comes to power %26amp; kills millions of ppl in the USSR, takes over other slavic countries and poland

hope this helped

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