Monday, November 16, 2009

A job in Events Management?

I have a degree in Arts Management and Events Management, and am currently looking for a job in Events.

Can anyone recommend anywhere? I have tried most of the event websites, but understand its who you know rather then what you know! Im looking for anything in arts, theatre, dance, productions etc...

Thanks for the help!

A job in Events Management?
I've never understood why an academic degree is offered in this subject when it's easier to just get out there and do the actual job!

Don't just look at events sites, look at other jobs in the industry too, perhaps more on the admin side. It's a good foot in the door and you'd get to hear about jobs coming up in other places.

Check out companies who may be large enough to have a social/fundraising team - a friend of mine runs events at a pharmaceutical (is that the right spelling?) company. Also look at conferencing in hotels, universities etc, or the alumni offices of universities.

Volunteer as much as you can to help out at events, festivals, etc as a steward. it looks good on your CV and again, puts you around the right people.

I used to work in the box office of a music festival and also did stewarding for them and other organisations in my spare time. I now get paid work as a concert manager when the festival's on, and didn't have to do a degree in it!
Reply:Try one of the larger, international corporate travel agencies, such as Carlson WagonLit, American Express, etc. They have large corporate clients (companies) who not only require large-volume travel arrangements, but also are asked to organise meetings and events (including entertainment) for their staffs. This is a very important aspect for this type of travel agency.

Good luck!
Reply:If you can organise a piss-up in a brewery you can try for a job at the Guiness factory.

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