What are 20-30 of the Most Important Events In Christianity?
I have to make a timeline of the 20-30 most important events that happened in Christianity. The closest library I have by me is about 37 miles away and I have no car. The only sites I found on the internet about these imprtant events are about books that tell about 100 events and can only be read if I buy it. Please help me find 20-30 of the most important events in Christian History. I am an 9th grader and I go to JIS. PLEASE HELP ME FIND AT LEAST 20 IMPORTANT EVENTS THAT HAPPENED AND PLEASE WRITE THE EXACT DATE OF WHEN IT HAPPENED AND WHAT HAPPENNED :'( Please I'm begging you :S
What Are 20-30 Of The Most Important Events In Christianity?
Just google on mass killings throughout history that should give you plenty of dates.
Reply:the birth of Jesus, the death and ressurection of Jesus, the day of penticost when the Holy Spirit was pour out upon the earth, the protestant reformation (people were then taught that you could have a personal relationship with Jesus), Colonization of America (religious exiles had a place of refuge), the American revival durring the early 1800s, also, the Catholic reformation (they stopped killing people, except protestants) there are others that i'm not familiar with. also the council of trent.
Reply:Nope, that is far too much work.
Reply:Do your own damn homework.
Reply:1. You should really do your own homework
2. You should really learn how to use the internet
3. You should buy and/or read a book
4. You might look in the bible
5. you might ask a clergy person
oh, the list goes on and on!
One answer for you: Martin Luther.
Reply:27-29? John the Baptist begins ministry (Luke 3,1-2) (15th year of Tiberius)
27-34? Jesus baptized by John the Baptist (Mk1:4-11)
33-36? Jesus' ministry
36? Jesus crucified
36?-65? Period of oral tradition in Christianity between the time of Jesus and the time the first gospel (Mark) is written, original Christians disperse throughout Judea and Samaria Peter leads the new Christian Church, moves the Church headquarters from Jerusalem to Rome
48-49 Council of Jerusalem, 1st Christian Council, doctrine regarding circumcision and dietary law is agreed to by apostles and presbyters, written in a letter addressed to "the brothers of Gentile origin in Antioch, Syria, and Cilicia"
48-57? Paul writes Galatians, 1 Thesalonians, 2 Thesalonians, Philippians, 1 Corinthians, Romans, 2 Corinthians
61-63? Paul? writes Ephesians, Philemon, Colossians, 1 %26amp; 2 Timothy
65-125 Period in which 4 Gospels, Acts, Revelations, and remaining epistles written
- Peter martyred before 1st Holy Gospel is written, 7 Popes before last epistle is completed
125-350 Period of Christianity during which the first Bible was assembled - Christians are fiercely persecuted and then finally tolerated by the Roman Empire, Great Plague in Rome
313 Edict of Milan, Constantine establishes toleration of Christianity
317 Letters of Lactantius, early Christian church father
325 Council of Nicaea, called by Constantine against Arianism (336), called 1st great Christian council by Jerome, 1st ecumenical, 318 bishops attend
350-400 Period of time between the 1st Christian Bible and the 1st Western Christian Bible, during which the books contained in Bibles varied
381 Council of Theodosius at Constantinople, 2nd ecumenical, Jesus had true human soul
400-484 Era between 1st Western Christian Bible and the Great Schism - Christian doctrine is formed, Roman empire ends
401-417 Pope Innocent I, 40th Pope, decreed Roman custom the norm for Christianity
431 Council of Ephesus, 3rd ecumenical, decreed Mary the Mother of God
451 Council of Chalcedon, 4th ecumenical, declared Jesus is 2 natures, both human and divine in one, a compromise solution of Jesus god/man schisms
476 Official end of western Roman empire
525 Dionysius Exiguus sets Christian calendar (a.d.) %26amp; Jesus' birth @ 23 Dec 1AD
637 Jerusalem captured by Islam
640-1380 Period between destruction of Library of Alexandria and the first complete English translation of the Bible
1054 Split between Eastern and Western churches formalized, Orthodox Church founded
1095-1291 10 Crusades, 1st called by Pope Urban II, to restore Asia Minor to Byzantium and conquer the Holy Land from the Turks
1478 Inquisition established by Pope Sixtus IV
1483-1546 Martin Luther, leader of Protestant reformation, preached that only fait leads to salvation without mediation of clergy or good works, attacked authority of the Pope, rejected priestly celibacy, recommended individual
study of the Bible
1492 Christopher Columbus's first voyage, discovers San Salvador - begins Spanish colonization of the New World
1517-1994 Modern Era of Christianity - Luther, Calvin lay the seeds of modern Protestantism, England breaks away from the Catholic Church
1534 Henry VIII breaks England away from the Catholic church, confiscates monastic property, beginning of Episcopal Church
1609 Baptist Church founded by John Smyth, due to objections to infant baptism and demands for church-state separation
1611-1800 King James (Authorized) Version, based on Bishop's Bible of 1572 with use of Rheims NT of 1582 - included Apocropha, alterations found in many editions
through 1800, revisors accused of being "damnable corrupters of God's word"
1869-1870 First Vatican Council, 20th ecumenical, affirms doctrine of papal infallibility
1957 United Church of Christ founded by ecumenical union of Congregationalists and Evangelical %26amp; Reformed, representing Calvinists and Lutherans
1979-1982? New King James Bible, complete revision of 1611 AV, updates archaisms while retaining style
1994 Declaration of cooperation between Evangelicals and Catholics
Reply:I think Jesus' birth and death would be the main one. Also, when John Calvin rebelled against the tyranny of the Catholic church and created Protestantism. The Inquisition was a big one in many people's lives. Also, the Salem witch incident. Constantine converting would be very important.
Reply:4 B.C. Birth of Jesus
approx. 30 A.D. Pentecost
approx. 49 First Jerusalem council
64 Persecution from Nero
200 Catholic church begun
325 council of Nicaea (the Nicene Creed)
750 Constantine
754 Papal states begun
962-1806 Holy Roman Empire
1516 Erasmus printed Greek New Testament
1517 Luther posted the 95 thesis
approx 1523 Anabaptist groups begun1534 Anglican church begun
1536 Calvin's Institutes of the Christian Religion written
1611 King James Version Bible produced
1643 Westminster Confession
1790s Methodist revival
Here's some.
Reply:The exact dates are impossible to know. Heres a few of the obvious that you should already know:
The birth of Jesus
The resurrection of Jesus
The death of Jesus
The filling of the Holy Spirit in the "Upper Room"
Peters first sermon after this
Pauls conversion
The choosing of the 12 apostles
The changing of water into wine
Raising Lazarus from the dead
Multiplying the bread and fish to feed 4000 and 5000
The creation of Adam
Noahs flood
Reply:I will give you a few things to look up on your own. I'm not doing the timeline for you!!!
*See Below! jeez, I missed a lot!!!
Birth of Jesus
Start of Jesus' ministry
Sermon on the Mount
Constantine's conversion
Council of Nicea
Split between Eastern Orthodox %26amp; Catholic Churches
Split between Anglicans and Catholics
Vatican 2
Reply:All the events are either made up of greatest lies or filled with horror and greatest atrocities.
Reply:The Crusades.
The Salem Witch Trials.
The Assassination of the Knights Templar.
The People vs Jim Baker.
Jerry Faldwell vs Larry Flint.
The extension from God that Oral Roberts received so he could reach the amount of money he needed to stay alive.
The cover up of countless children raped by Catholic Priests
The Bombings and murders of countless Abortionists by the Army of God.
The burning of many pieces of Literature greater than the bible.
Reply:sorry but you must do your own homework.
Reply:Lets start from the what the Bible says...
1- Jesus Christ Came
2- Jesus Christ died
3- Jesus Christ rose again
4- Jesus Christ [Acts 1:8] tells his disciples to wait for the empowerment of the Holy Spirit
5- Acts 2 - The disciples [on the day of Pentecost] receive the Holy spirit and speak in tongues, etc.
6- Steven the first Christian martyr
7- Saul's [Paul's] conversion as seen in Acts 9
8- Paul's missionary journey's
9- The Jerusalem council in acts 15
10- Paul's is martyred
There are ten that you can get more details right from Acts [except 10] that are very important in the early Christian church and therefore Christianity
Reply:Definitely make the first thing the birth of Jesus Christ! Can't have CHRIST-ianity without Christ.
Reply:this question was up an hour ago too
the most important event in Christianity is your salvation personally
then the virgin birth, the life of Jesus, his death for our sins
and why not read the Gospel
here are some related important events too directly or indirectly important in Christianity=The life records prove Jesus came and died-I doubt there is execution records on file-yet it is possible yet take it a step further-Isaiah did more than mention the death of Jesus the Messiah-He recorded it
Isaiah 52:13-53:12, and also said Jesus would be God almighty- Isaiah 9:6 "Unto us will be born a child, a Son is given, and he will be almighty God and the prince of peace."
of course some will say that the Jewish people who reject Jesus put this into their Jewish Hebrew Scriptures so it is not true-why would those that reject Jesus put this in and then leave it there still today? be real
what is the advantage of being a member of Isalm to reject the Messiah Jesus-yet claim to believe him?
you become a Muslim by saying you believe Jesus and then rejecting him.
some examples=Jesus says to love your enemies and do good to them and share the gospel. those in lust-even mohamad who married a 9 year old little girl Aysha at 40 years old-the results leads to taking viginity and also violence sometimes too=is it any wonder-as Muslims on the other hand=
the sunni's murdering the Shiites-and vica versa -since the bombing of the Golden Mosque January 2006 and each other blowing up each others mosques and dragging their leaders out into the street and cold blooded murdering them.
cold blooded murderers? should we deny the Messiah Jesus teaching to care about others or to leave Iraq and let the terrorists take over the country with their billions in oil to support their terrorism throughout the world?
this is what one man here said to my question-a muslim who is supposed to listent to Jesus according to his own religion=
in regards to a muslim who I asked about the messiah Jesus helping one in their life-he who says as Islam says to believe in Jesus-wrote this =
Dentist_Member since: April 21, 2007
" I've never had a Prophet/slave/messenger of God talk to me."
well Jesus said "My sheep hear my voice and follow me." John 10
the problem is we have to do what the good shepherd Messiah Jesus says "I love you repent quickly from your sin (even one lie), Behold I knock on your heart door if you hear my voice and opent he door, I will come in and begin a fellowship with you and you with me, if you repent and ask me in." Revelation 1:1, 3;19%26amp;20 and chapters 19-22 about the joy of heaven in salvation, and the agony of hell weeping forever for those that refuse the voice of Messiah Jesus.
As a Jew-I come to messiah from the prophecies Isaiah 52:13-53:12 as I gave this man but he refused to listen- "He will lay down his life as a lamb and make atonement for our sins." will we listen?
why not make good music like Amazing grace sung of the one Messiah Jesus thanks
that is how you become true to God in life and to live the important events and learn from the events others have lived too David
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