Saturday, November 14, 2009

Events or Court cases that effected the history of GLBT community?

Hi, I want to ask what events,court cases, or anything in the GLBT history has big impact..I already know stonewall riot is one, plz give me some name of the events or cases..Thx

Events or Court cases that effected the history of GLBT community?
Wow, 'events' is rather broad. I mean, we can go back to Nero's legal marriage to two men if you want to a broad definition. But I'll stick to the United States (or international precident cited in US cases), and the last.....oh, say 40 years or so. I think Kinsey might qualify (in 1948), but that's debatable.

1969 Stonewall Riots, New York City.

1970- First Gay Liberation Day March held in New York City, First Gay Freedom Day March held in Los Angeles, first Gay-in held in San Francisco.

1981 - HIV and AIDS. New York City and San Francisco. This disease first manifested in the gay community, with devastating effect. An entire generation of gay men in Ameirca were profoundly effected, either through untimely death, or the death of a close friend or partner.

1982 - Wisconsin becomes the first US state to ban gay discrimination. This set the stage for

1982 - First Gay Games.

1983 in gay rights - Massachusetts Representative Gerry Studds reveals he is a homosexual on the floor of the House, becoming the first openly Gay member of Congress.

1988 in gay rights - Sweden is first country to pass laws protecting gays and lesbians regarding social services, taxes, and inheritances.

1989 Denmark is first country in the world to enact registered partnership laws (comparable to civil union) for same-sex couples, with most of the same rights as marriage. THis and and the Swedish laws passed the year before establish a legal foundation for most major rights and freedoms previously enjoyed only by heterosexual couples.

1992 The World Health Organization removes homosexuality from its ICD-10 (International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems)

1993 Baehr v Lewin, The Hawaii State Supreme Court ruled that the state must show a compelling interest in prohibiting same-sex marriage. This prompted concern among opponents of same-sex marriage that the state might legalize it, and that eventually other states would recognize same-sex marriages performed in Hawaii.

1996 Defense of Marriage Act passed by federal government. This formally established marriage as a union between a man and a woman exclusively. This law also provided states with the authority to disregard gay and lesbian marriages performed in other states. Previously under the 'Full Faith and Credit' clause o the contitution, any legal contract recognized by one state had to be recognized by all. This was seen by many as a direct reaction to the Baehr v Lewin ruling in Hawai'i

1997 - Ellen Degeneres comes out as openly gay. By coming out both personally, and as a character on a television series, she sparked wide spread debate on the issue of homosexuality in general. Her reception by the American public was generally positive, helping to more normalize gays and lesbians within the U.S.

1998 - Torture and murder of american college student Matthew Shepard in Wyoming. This senseless killing horrified the citizens of the United States, and dramatically increased national awareness of violence against Gays and Lesbians.

2000 Civil Unions in Vermont. Civil unions in Vermont are legal unions of same-sex couples in accordance with a law that went into effect in 2000. Parties to a civil union are given all the same benefits, protections and responsibilities under Vermont law, whether they derive from statute, administrative or court rule, policy, common law or any other source of civil law, as are granted to spouses in a marriage.

2004 San Francisco. Mayor Gavin Newsom issues marriage licenses to gay and lesbian couples. The effect of this event was two fold; first, raising awareness of the issue of gay and lesbian marriage on the national stage and second, galvanizing advocates of traditional marriage who proposed and passed constitutional bans of gay marriage in over a dozen states. National support for gay marriage dropped sharply after Newsom's actions, leading many in the GLBT community to criticize his judgement.

2004 Massachusettes Suprme court determines that marriage is a legal right of gays and lesbians. This had the effect establishing the legal precident that marriage is a legal right of all adults. This ruling is cited by many advocates of gay and lesbian rights in cases across the nation.

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