Monday, May 4, 2009

Relating these modern events to biblical events?

I have here five modern events. The person who gives the best biblical event to each item (with explanatioN!) gets a full 10!

1. You lost your father during childhood.

2. You met a person whom you think was very nice, and cared for you like a parent.

3. This person whom you think was nice, was actually a nightmare because the person's true color is a bad, selfish person.

4. You made up too much anger with this person and argued with him/her in order to defend your propositions.

5. You and the person were able to make up and promised that the both of you will lead a good life from now on.

Remember, one event per item! But, you may repeat if you have to...because the modern events are closely related...but make sure that it is really, really related if you would repeat.


You were able to enter your dream school.

----I can relate this to the venture of the israelites for the promised land / greener pasture.


Relating these modern events to biblical events?
think you should do you on homework-----enjoy the day
Reply:Except for #1, pretty much all expresses David's experiences with Saul, up to the point of Saul saying of David:" You are the annointed of God". However, #1, well, there are many, many, how about King Josiah?

This is what I'm getting from your this what you are asking?

*puts on sunglasses and waits*

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